Poisoned Apple
This is a special effects makeup created and modeled by Allyson Bode. The makeup is a three piece, foam latex prosthetic and custom dentures. The dentures were sculpted and molded off a cast of my teeth, then cast in dental acrylic and painted. The three foam latex pieces include a brow piece, nose piece, and a jaw and neck piece. The original sculpture of the prosthetic was sculpted with Chavant clay on a hydrocal lifecast, then separated into pieces and placed on three separate lifecast snaps using a floating method submerged in water. The three separate pieces were then cleaned up, molded, and cast in foam latex. The prosthetic pieces were pre-painted and applied by me with help in some areas from my good friend and talented Artist Brea Williams of Lucid Dreamer FX
Below are photos of some of the different steps involved in creating this makeup. A prosthetic makeup such as this one is very time consuming and requires a lot of attention to detail. With proper planning and precision work, the finished character is well worth it!